Various Artists


Meliantha Muliawan

I Can't Sleep #2

128 x 150 - Ballpoint & WoP - 2014

Exhibited in OMG? RED! ^ D^

During her time in ITB, Nina was conjured by Meliantha as a way to realize the subconscious (alter ego) in surrealism which had stood as a subjective method of expression, specifically through a modified version of Paranoid Critical Transformation of Salvador Dalí’s in stimulating visual idea and René Magritte’s method for the application. This resulted in a childlike vulnerability that is concealed as the artist grew up, along with the inquisitiveness that might invade others’ privacy. The absence of mouth was intentionally to keep the emotion open to interpretation. 

Following I Can’t Sleep #1 which revolves around neuroticism, #2 plays the motionless Nina with the many moving parts in circular motion, so that both the audience and her observes the planetary, ecological and artificial rotation around her, in the searching feeling of what’s more and beyond.

Angiring Lakuning Surya 

Binar Cinta

100 x 100 cm - MMoC - 2024

Exhibited in OMG? RED! ^ D^

Love Twinkle, a vulnerable piece by Angiring Surya tells how despite dating back to the existence of humanity, love could be seen as the most relevant universal feeling in the modern age. That “To love, be loved and not feel unlovable is intrinsic”

The exhausted but focused figure also tells how someone might not be alike from some’s perspective, yet unintentionally to others seen with the twinkle of love.

Bangun Wahyudianto


Drawing Pen - 50 x 70 - 2024

Exhibited in OMG? RED! ^ D^

Translates directly to Frantic, this work is of how during mental pressure & losing perspective during, a person can lose his bearing in activities, thoughts and behavior. Bangun evokes someone who has as many visions as indecisiveness, silence with a false smile, until the unexpressed thoughts oozes through the cracks.


Petek Sutrisno

Berteman Dengan Doa

170 x 125 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023

Exhibited in Closed Alpha Testing

Roughly translated directly into Befriending Prayers, Petek Sutrisno blends subjects of various timespan that adds to the act of praying itself. Hopeful sparkling eyes are vigilant and flowers bloom despite the central figure’s state of metaphorical engulfment. Black leather shoes imply a scholar or worker status, while the different companions seem temporarily distant but spiritually present nonetheless.

Godek Mintorogo

Study Bentuk

120 x 120 cm - Acrylic on Canvas - 2023

Exhibited in Closed Alpha Testing

Godek borrowed the term study which in visual art means the exploration or trial and error for the purpose of designing or learning. In this piece, its title for an analogy on the myriad of knowledge it takes to tow in the current age, the layer upon layer of each already a diverging paths in mandatory & optional subject fields.